
Fat Injections for Larger Breasts

One of the more novel approaches to achieving larger breasts is a "technically" nonsurgical, but still somewhat invaisve method of fat transfer.  Fat transfers are still somewhat in their infancy, but they have come a long way already in the few years they've been in practice.

Fat transfers are when fat cells are harvested from other areas of the body, then subsequently injected into another part of the body that the patient desires to be fuller looking, or less crevaced, such as the lips or areas of the face that have lost facial fat and make you look older. 

See other suggestions for natural breast enhancement as well for some good suggestions after reading this article about fat transfers.

The common problem with fat transfers is that they often don't stay where they are supposed to. Sometimes the fat actually "migrates" back to different areas of the body, creating a strange appearance where the injections were put.

In addition to the migration problem, some of the fat cells injected may not live, and so the patient may see a decrease in initial volume of the breast enhancement after some time. 

The benefits of course are that you enjoy having your very own fatty tissue as your "implant". This makes it an undetectable form of breast enhancement and a very low pain and low recovery form of breast augmentation. The cost is still pretty astronomical though, especially considering that you may need more treatments and some of the cells may not survive or may migrate.

As they perfect this treatment more and the cost comes down though, it may really be a viable option for naturally enhancing breast size that you can look in to.


Breast Success and Other Products

If you've ever been in the market for a natural breast enhancement product, then you may have heard of a product called Breast Success. It is an herbal breast enhancement supplement that now also includes an optional cream that can be paired with the supplement for greater benefit.

The interesting thing about this company is that they do have a lot of good reviews.  They do not seem to be "planted" as some other phony sounding reviews do. You make up your mind for yourself. 

You can first read a review of Breast Success and then see what people have to say on their own site about their various experiences with the natural breast enhancing product.  Enjoy!


The Role of Estrogen in Your Body and Breast Development

Estrogen is quite a precious hormone for women. Even though guys have a small amount of this feminine hormone, us women have a lot more which makes us well, er - women.  We also have a small amount of the male hormone testosterone in us as well, it's just that it is minimal compared to our sex-dominant hormones.

Estrogen makes women's skin softer than a man's, it causes us to develop soft, larger, feminine breasts, it makes our lips larger, and it causes us to have less muscle as well as less body hair - all traits of the female sex in the human world. 

When you take estrogen away, it can cause a lot of side effects that not only make you feel less feminine, but also that can cause mood swings and depression. This is why many women have such a hard time dealing with menopause, which is the time in a woman's life when her natural estrogen levels begin to severely decline.

Many herbal supplements for breast enhancement offer what is called "phytoestrogenic" compounds, which are plant-derived compounds that mimic the hormone estrogen in the female body. This can lead to more feminine characteristics, such as softer, larger breasts, less hot flashes, and other typical side effects of again having enough estrogen in the body.

With the decline of popularity of medical HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) which is the use of synthetic estrogen to get the levels back up in a woman's body, many women turn to plant based options.  HRT got a bad name when it was linked to heart and stroke issues as well as a potential boost in the likelihood of breast cancer.


Breast Implants Feel Hard?

A common complaint of women with breast implants is that there is really no consistency in how they feel. One day they may feel like they should : soft and pliable like real breasts.

The next day they could feel as hard as rocks. Often times women with breast implants even feel self conscious about hugging people because they feel like their breasts are obviously sticking out in an unnatural way that feels hard.

One way to help improve the feel of breast implants and keep them more consistently pliable and soft is to make sure you massage them daily. It is a requirement to massage them every day since you have to keep them from forming scar tissue and becoming hard.

This massage helps to break up any scar tissue, which also makes breast implants feel hard.  Even the fact that you get cold can make your breast implants feel hard. They are less likely to be hard when your body is warm. 

Think of it as similar to how your muscles are when they are warmed up versus cold - they are more likely to harden and feel uncomfortable as well as get injured more easily because they are not as flexible - same thing with breast implants really.