
Hello everyone!  It's been a while since I've posted some new info for you, but I wanted to let you know there are some interesting developments in natural breast enhancement since we last spoke. 

For one, there are now fat transfer breast augmentations that may use your own fatty tissue, clone it, and then re-implant it in your breasts so you have larger breasts that are all real. It is still in its beginning stages since it uses a sort of stem cell technology, but looks promising (if not expensive) as a future more natural way to enlarge your breasts. 

There is also of course the continued success of one of my favorites in natural breast enhancement, Bountiful Breast, the patent pending supplement that uses a very effective technology that is not herbal in nature to help you achieve breast growth after your body is done with puberty and long past its natural breast growth stages. 

There are also still many herbal breast enhancement supplements that are on the market. Some are more effective than others, and they all utilize a mixture of estrogenic herbs to achieve breast enlargement.  There are some improved formulas, such as the Breast Actives formula which now combines its herbal supplement with a topical cream that contains the immensely popular herb called pueraria mirifica, an herb of Asian origin that women in the Orient have been using for decades to help firm and enlarge their breasts.

More to come on natural breast enhancement as we continue to bring you the latest and most exciting news for women who don't want to go under the knife but rather want to enlarge their breasts the natural way.