
Breast Implants Feel Hard?

A common complaint of women with breast implants is that there is really no consistency in how they feel. One day they may feel like they should : soft and pliable like real breasts.

The next day they could feel as hard as rocks. Often times women with breast implants even feel self conscious about hugging people because they feel like their breasts are obviously sticking out in an unnatural way that feels hard.

One way to help improve the feel of breast implants and keep them more consistently pliable and soft is to make sure you massage them daily. It is a requirement to massage them every day since you have to keep them from forming scar tissue and becoming hard.

This massage helps to break up any scar tissue, which also makes breast implants feel hard.  Even the fact that you get cold can make your breast implants feel hard. They are less likely to be hard when your body is warm. 

Think of it as similar to how your muscles are when they are warmed up versus cold - they are more likely to harden and feel uncomfortable as well as get injured more easily because they are not as flexible - same thing with breast implants really.